Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Advent 2009 Pastoral Letter

Advent, 2009

Dear Friends in Christ:

We have now begun the Advent season, and in so doing have also started the new church year. When I was young, my parents and grandparents told me that time flies as you get older – what wisdom in those words!

Advent is a prayerful time of waiting and watching, while we celebrate in Christmas the coming of the Messiah as one of us. At St. Ansgar, we have a strong tradition of celebrating the Advent/Christmas season in a variety of ways. Here are some thoughts about how we can make our Advent and Christmas a special time:

This coming Sunday, December 6th, is Project Feed Sunday. Can you spare some extra nonperishable food for a needy family? What better way to give thanks for the gift of food than to share with the less fortunate. Please be generous!

Nancy Loranger is spearheading a gift-giving campaign for the youth who are Long Creek Youth Development Center. These are kids who have found themselves in trouble with the law, but for many of them their time at Long Creek is a potential turning point. Our generosity to them sends a clear message that God loves them and that we love them, too! For more info, contact Nancy at 874-6960.

On Sunday, December 13th, at 4:00 p.m. we will install Taylor Elizabeth Whitcomb as our Lucia for 2009. Taylor and her family have a long history at St. Ansgar (and they never miss a Lucia festival!) Join me in celebrating our Scandinavian heritage on December 13th, with the crowning, followed by a reception and Scandinavian market.

On Sunday, December 20th, our children will put on the Christmas pageant at the 10:30 worship service. You won’t want to miss this event! We have the most talented kids in the world at St. Ansgar!

On Christmas Eve, December 24th, we will have a family worship service at 7:00 p.m. Join us for this solemn, yet family-oriented service, concluding with a candlelight ceremony. (There will be no Christmas morning service.)

Don’t forget to sign up to sponsor a poinsettia this year in memory of a loved one! The sign-up sheet is in the narthex.

With prayerful best wishes for a blessed holiday season, I remain

Your servant in Christ,

Pr. Bill Barter